Zoe Garcell

Zoe Garcell is a mystic wellness educator and claircognizant empath who has spent close to 15 years gathering empowering secrets from cultural traditions around the world.  She is a reiki master, transformational hypnotist, essential oil enthusiast, herbalist, self-development mentor, and soul/star sister to a growing community of women who seek to live their best life possible.  

She has an incredible way of making you feel at ease, comfortable and accepted.  When she opens sacred space for you to share what’s in your heart, there is a sense of trust that bathes you and allows you to safely experience the vulnerability of opening your heart.  Her gentle nurturing and fierce enthusiasm for self centered love and the evolution of your highest self leaves you with a renewed sense of hope and belief in your own power of manifestation and transformation.

When she’s not working with her clients or creating new offerings for Spirit of Ganesh you can find her chilling on the sofa with her head in a book, gardening, preparing healthy meals, researching the mystic world, or learning how to use today’s technology to connect with her tribe and community.  She values her family first and foremost and everything she does is with them in mind.  She loves birthdays because it’s an opportunity to acknowledge how much she loves and appreciates the day you arrived to this lifetime that she had the pleasure to meet you in.  Nature is her second home. She loves hikes, beaches, lakes, forests, camping and walks through her own neighborhood. Zoe is here to teach us love because she is LOVE.