Mystic Consultations & Spells

Mystic Consultations – As a Claircognizant Empath, information, insight, and special knowledge comes to me in the form of thought, or a subtle sense of knowing. This combined with heart-straightening talks and tarot cards (mainly used for confirmation) and your own inner guidance working with mine provides the clarity and centeredness needed to move into or out of situations, and it supports the insight needed for how to best move forward for the best possible outcome. 

  • Spells can be helpful as an added boost for a variety of reasons and can be done to move energy around a situation.  These are scheduled to be done by me on designated days of the week to support you.  The spells require me to tap into your situation empathically and work on the energy around your situation.  Depending on the situation it may be necessary to do a “jab, jab, jab, right hook” to get the job done.  Meaning I may need to do more than one spell or a combination of them.


  • Protection
  • Money
  • Binding 
  • Love
  • Banishing