Energetic Clearing aka “Limpias/Barridas”

Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo are ancient Mesoamerican Shamanic types of limpias (cleansings) using: fire, water, herbs, flowers, eggs, platicas (heart-straightening talks), and instructions for clearing spaces at work or home and activate them with a particular energy.

This ancient tradition of cleansing can be found in many latin american cultures as well as middle eastern and asian cultures.  The practice has been around for what seems to be the beginning of time.  It has found its way into modern living because your spirit calls out for it and because when all else fails we seek out the mystic ways that folks whisper about.  

These energetic sweeps or cleansings are performed in person in Encino, California and usually start with an egg sweep which serves as not only a divination tool but also a cleansing all in one and depending on what is revealed in the divination it may be combined with other cleansing rituals using Florida Water, sage, palo santo, tobacco smoke, herbal broom sweeps, and end with a Kuti Blessing for protection and a sacred bath preparation that you take home with you.